السبت، 6 يوليو 2013

برنامج cisco live 2012 لتصميم المنازل - منتديات برامج شاركي

برنامج cisco live 2012 لتصميم المنازل - منتديات برامج شاركي

برنامج cisco live 2012 لتصميم المنازل

CISCO live 2012

CISCO live 2012 | 44.86 Gb

With Partner Velocity, Partner Summit, and cisco live under our belts, we’re sad to say “goodbye” to this year’s conference season. It was tons of fun getting to meet so many partners in person during the events, and the cisco Channels team is looking forward to seeing all of you again next year. But before we do, we wanted to share a full recap from cisco Live! 2012, starting with our favorite photos.

Couldn’t make it to cisco live this year and want more? We’ve got you covered!
Keep reading to get a full recap from the event, including a list of cisco live resources, replays, videos, announcements, blogs, and news coverage.

برنامج cisco live 2012 لتصميم



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