السبت، 30 مارس 2013

Norton Anti Virus 2012 Final & Norton Internet Security 2012 Final - منتديات برامج شاركي

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Norton Anti Virus 2012 Final & Norton Internet Security 2012 Final - منتديات برامج شاركي

Norton anti Virus 2012 Final


Norton Internet Security 2012 Final

Norton Anti Virus 2012

اولا AntiVirus

نورتون انتي فيروس برنامج حماية قوي جداً يغنيك عن برامج الحماية الاخرى فهو شهير بما يكفي لان تضعه على جهازك وتأمن مكر الهكر والمخترقين ويحميك من الفايروسات وملفات التجسس والبرامج الخطيرة الاخرى حماية خاصة جداً برنامج حماية قوي جداً يغنيك عن برامج الحماية الاخرى فهو شهير بما يكفي لان تضعه على جهازك وتأمن مكر الهكر والمخترقين ويحميك من الفايروسات وملفات التجسس والبرامج الخطيرة الاخرى

Symantec's Norton AntiVirus 2012 - Winning protection against viruses, spyware, and other malicious threats! Heuristically detects Spyware threats, detects blocks Internet worm attacks, and protects email

ثانيا Internet Security

الفائدة الرئيسية للبرنامج هي انه يعمل كجدار حماية للجهاز اثناء العمل على الإنترنت وهذا الجدار يحميك شر الهكرز والمخترقين وكذلك يحميك من برامج الإختراق .

مميّزات البرنامج :

يتميز هذا البرنامج عن بقية البرامج الاخرى بأنه يتحث بشكل مستمر كذلك يتميّز بالخدمات المتعددة التي تأتي مدمجة معه مثل إغلاق الإعلانات المنتبثقة والتحكم بالكوكيز ،،، يكفي انه من شركة رائدة في مجال الحماية وهي (سيمانتك)

Norton Internet Security was designed to be the fastest virus, spyware and Internet protection you can buy. The Norton Internet Security main window acts as a Security management interface

size : 119 - 126 Mb

تاريخ الاصدار :

حمل التفعيل و التريال ريسيت :

من هنا


antiverus :


internet securety :


كلمات البحث
العاب ، برامج ، سيارات ، هاكات ، استايلات,نسخ ,تفعيلات,شروحات ,طلبات ,خدمات , مجانية, بروكسيات, فنون,تصاميم ,كروت استلايت, رياضة, اخبار, مسابقات, اسلاميات, صور,منتديات , دروس, ابداع

ساعد في نشر والارتقاء بنا عبر مشاركة رأيك في الفيس بوك
تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013 + المفاتيح الجديدة + سيريالات التفعيل لمدة 3 أشهر + هدايا - منتديات برامج شاركي

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برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013 + المفاتيح الجديدة + سيريالات التفعيل لمدة 3 أشهر + هدايا - منتديات برامج شاركي

برنامج الحماية الروسي kaspersky 2013 + المفاتيح الجديدة + سيريالات التفعيل لمدة 3 أشهر + هدايا

الصلاة و السلام على أشــرف المــرسليـن ..
الحمـد لله وحده نحمده و نشكره و نستعـينه و نستـغفره و نعـود بالله
مـن شـرور أنـفسنا و من سيـئات أعمالنا .. من يـهده الله فلا مضل لـه و
مـن يضلل فلن تـجد له ولياً مرشدا ..

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013
Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

هذا هو الاصدار الأخير للبرنامج
وهذا الاصدار بتاريخ اليوم .

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

هو من أقوى برامج مكافحة الفايروسات , حائز على جوائز عدة من عدة مجلات و مراكز ابحاث , اصبح الان مع ميزات عديدة منها الحمايه ضد ملفات التجسس و حمايتك اثناء تصفح المواقع . بالاضاقة للفايروول
وهو أقوى برامج الحماية وأشهرها على الاطلاق
وأكثر برامج الحماية ثقه لدى الجميع
أحد إبداعات الدب الروسي ، عملاق بمعنى الكلمة فهو يوفر لك الحماية الكاملة
ضد كل ما يهدد سلامة وأمن جهازك الشخصي
حماية تامة من الفيروسات وملفات التجسس وبرامج الهكر وغيرها من البرمجيات الخبيثة
وملفات الانترنت الضارة من الديدان الخطيرة والتروجانات
برنامج غنى بنفسه عن أى توضيح فهو على مدار سنوات طويلة مازال يثبت نفسه كأقوي برامج الحماية .

البرنامج متوافق مع كل اصدارات الويندوز 32 +64 BIT

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

هذه هدايا مني لكم :-

طريقة رائعة لتسريع التحميل في برنامج Internet Download Manager
الي 100% من سرعته الأصلية
الطريقة :- مـن هــنــا

أداة رائعة جدا تقوم بتسريع المتصفح العالمي الشهير FireFox
تقوم بتسريع المتصفح الي أكثر من 80% من سرعته الأصلية .
لتحميل الأداة : مــن هــنــا

أداة رهبية جدا تقوم بتسريع المتصفح الشهير جدا Google Chrome
الي 100% من سرعته الأصلية . حقا أداة معجزة .
لتحميل الأداة : مــن هــنــا

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

kaspersky Anti-Virus 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

تفعيل البرنامج :-

جميع المفاتيح والسيريالات شغاله 100% .

تحميل مفاتيح تفعيل النسخة الأنتي فيروس :
تحميل مفاتيح تفعيل النسخة الانترنت سيكورتي : 

تحميل سيريالات تفعيل النسخة الأنتي فيرس لـمدة 3 أشهر
تحميل سيريالات تفعيل النسخة الانترنت سيكورتي لـمدة 3 أشهر

تحميل شرح البرنامج وشرح التفعيل :

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

برنامج الحماية الروسي Kaspersky 2013

كلمات البحث
العاب ، برامج ، سيارات ، هاكات ، استايلات,نسخ ,تفعيلات,شروحات ,طلبات ,خدمات , مجانية, بروكسيات, فنون,تصاميم ,كروت استلايت, رياضة, اخبار, مسابقات, اسلاميات, صور,منتديات , دروس, ابداع

ساعد في نشر والارتقاء بنا عبر مشاركة رأيك في الفيس بوك
تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 مع التفعيل 91 يوم - منتديات برامج شاركي

0 التعليقات
حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 مع التفعيل 91 يوم - منتديات برامج شاركي

حصريا kaspersky internet Security 2013 مع التفعيل 91 يوم

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

مرحبا بجميع اعضاء وزوار برامج شاركي

اليوم مع اقوى برنامج حماية في العالم واكثرها استخداما

Kaspersky internet Security 2013

مع التفعيل لمدة 91 يوم اهداء للجميع

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

حصريا Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

تحميل البرنامج

السريال يرسل عالخاص فقط ضغ رد هناك

وسارسل السريال عالخاص

تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

سريال Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 لمدة 294 يوم على منتديات برامج شاركي - منتديات برامج شاركي

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سريال Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 لمدة 294 يوم على منتديات برامج شاركي - منتديات برامج شاركي

سريال kaspersky internet security 2013 لمدة 294 يوم على منتديات برامج شاركي

اعضائنا الكرام يسعدنا ان نقدم اليكم اليوم سريال

لتفعيل عملاق الحماية الروسي
Kaspersky internet security 2013

الاصدار الاخير

السريال صالح لثلاتة اجهزة الاولى

لكن لاتقلقوا توجد عندنا اكثر من طريقة للتفعيل

صورة لتاكيد التفعيل وشاهدوا تاريخ انتهاء التفعيل

سريال Kaspersky Internet Security 2013

للحرص على عدم نقل السريال سيتم ارساله لكل عضو نشيط بمنتدانا عالخاص

فقط يكفي تضع ردا هنا

وسيتم الارسال

وكمان سنرسل الكم طريقة تركيب السريال وكمان

يوجد ملف اللغة العربية لتعريب البرنامج

شكرا لكم احباء اتمنى ان ارى ردودكم

المشجعة وشكرا للجميع

رابط التحميل والطلب


تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

Bigasoft Video Downloader Pro Portable - منتديات برامج شاركي

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Bigasoft Video Downloader Pro Portable - منتديات برامج شاركي

Bigasoft video downloader Pro Portable

Bigasoft Video Downloader Portable

Bigasoft video downloader Pro is a popular one-step online video downloader and converter to help to fast download and convert YouTube videos and other online movies for playing on personal computer, portable device, mobile phone, mp4 player, television and more with ease. The powerful video downloader tool can save online videos in HD, HQ and 3D movies and then convert to MP4, AVI, WMV, MOV, MKV, FLV, MPG, VOB and etc for playback on a great variety of digital devices including iPad mini, iPad, iPod, iPhone, Google Nexus, Microsoft Surface, Kindle Fire, BlackBerry, Apple TV, Zune, PSP, PS3, Pocket PC, Creative Zen, Xbox, Archos and more.

The all-in-one video downloader and Converter is not only an easy-to-use movie converter and downloader tool but also a powerful audio downloader which can extract music from YouTube and then convert YouTube to MP3, AAC, AC3, WAV, WMA, FLAC, OGG, and more.

Bigasoft video downloader Pro supports to download videos instantly in HD 720p, HD 1080p, HD 2k, ultra high definition (4K), 3D video and stand definition with a single click from almost all popular video sharing websites like YouTube, Facebook, Google Videos, Metacafe, eHow, Vimeo, MTV, BBC, Dailymotion, etc. and automatically convert the downloaded videos to almost all popular video and audio formats.

Unlimited YouTube Videos Ready
Bigasoft video downloader Pro, the professional video downloader and Converter, is also a smart YouTube Converter that enables to save a whole lot YouTube videos and automatically convert YouTube to video for easily enjoy anytime, anywhere. Unlimited YouTube videos are ready for later viewing on desktop or mobile devices now.

Listen to YouTube
The amazing video downloader Pro is not only an easy-to-use YouTube to video converter tool but also a powerful YouTube to audio downloader and converter which can download and extract music from YouTube and then convert to MP3, WMA, WAV, FLAC, M4A, AC3, AIFF and etc

High Quality, High Visual Experience
Bigasoft video downloader Pro features both downloading online videos like YouTube videos with best quality and converting YouTube videos with high conversion quality for ultimate high-quality visual experience.

Online Videos with You
Besides downloading and converting YouTube files, the professional video downloader Pro can download video from other popular video sites like Facebook, Google Videos, Metacafe, eHow, Vimeo, MTV, BBC, Dailymotion, etc to helps to playback online videos on portable device, mobile phone, mp4 player, personal computer, television, and mor

Save Time
Say No to waiting for streaming with the power of concurrent downloading online videos by feeding multiple URLs in batch, downloading playlist, automatically conversion. The unbeatable YouTube converter is designed for saving valuable time just for you.

That Easy
Simply paste a URL from browser, select conversion profile and press "Download" button, it's that simple. A huge amount of YouTube movies are ready to play now.

Download from Vip-File

Download from Letitbit

Download from RapidGator

الموضوع الأصلي: Bigasoft Video Downloader Pro Portable || الكاتب: cherki || المصدر: منتديات برامج شاركي

تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

USB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Portable - منتديات برامج شاركي

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USB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Portable - منتديات برامج شاركي

USB Virus scan 2.42 build 0328 Portable

Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328

USB Virus scan provides fully USB security solutions , it not only allows you to gain full control of every usb port, but also provides 100% protection against any malicious programs trying to attack via USB storage.

Key Features

Get control over the use of all USB storage devices
You can set the USB drive status to Read only or Readable/Writable both on the machine, also you can disable usage of any usb storage devices to prevent data leaks across USB flash drives. more information

100% protection against any Virus via USB drives
USB Virus scan uses innovative technology to block any threats via USB drive,any USB drives inserted into computer, USB Virus scan will automatically scan it and remove threats. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which can offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 60% protection.

Clean USB Virus in your infected system
USB Virus scan can not only block Virus spreading thought external removable media, but also has the ability to detect and remove usb Virus in your computer. What you need to do is clicking the scan button,and waiting for Virus scan to complete.

The best solution to protect offline computer
Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they can not effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. USB Virus scan uses advanced detection techniques, it doesn't mainly rely on Virus signature, so it can protect offline computer from usb Virus effectively without updating frequently.

The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software
With USB Virus Scan, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare with other antivirus software and you'll discover that USB Virus scan installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 5 to 8 MB of RAM.

100% compatible with all software
Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, USB Virus scan is 100% compatible with all other security products in fully testing, including Norton,Nod32,Bitdefender,Kaspersky,etc.

Easy to use
USB Virus scan has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user’s level of computer expertise.
Just install and forget it.

No recurring payment, the license key is lifetime
Other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year. The USB Virus scan keys are lifetime. You receive all future program updates free of charge.

Download from Vip-File

Download from Letitbit

Download from RapidGator

الموضوع الأصلي: USB Virus Scan 2.42 Build 0328 Portable || الكاتب: cherki || المصدر: منتديات برامج شاركي

تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

Super Hide IP final 2013 - منتديات برامج شاركي

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Super Hide IP final 2013 - منتديات برامج شاركي

Super hide IP final 2013

Super hide IP

Super Hide final 2013
Super hide IP | 5.5 Mb

Do you know what your IP address means? Are you aware that your IP address is exposed every time you visit a website? Many websites and hackers use IP address to monitor your home address and other personal information. Your IP address is your online identity and could be used by hackers to break into your computer, steal personal information, or commit other crimes against you. Super hide IP allows you to surf anonymously, keep your IP address hidden, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with a simple click of a button.

Key Features
* Anonymous Web Surfing
Click hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.
* Protect Your Identity
Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.
* Choose IP Country
You can select to use fake IP from different countries via "Choose IP Country" option and can Check IP directly.
* Send Anonymous E-mails
Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending e-mails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
* Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
Use Super hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.
* Platform
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Home Page - www.superhideip.com

Download Links:
Download from Extabit.com
Download from Rapidgator.net

الموضوع الأصلي: Super Hide IP final 2013 || الكاتب: cherki || المصدر: منتديات برامج شاركي

تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 SP3 Special Edition - منتديات برامج شاركي

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 SP3 Special Edition - منتديات برامج شاركي

CorelDRAW graphics suite X6 SP3 special Edition

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Special

CorelDRAW graphics suite - a reliable software solution for graphic design, which is suitable for both beginners and advanced users. The package includes the environment with extensive content and professional applications for graphic design, photo editing and web design. With it, you get unlimited opportunities to express themselves and to realize your creative ideas.

Line help, training videos and professional templates to help you quickly get used to the software package. Then you can confidently create anything - for example, the impressive logos and signs, web sites and elements of Web graphics, posters, decorative stickers for vehicles, brochures and much more!

Easy Setup and Quick Start:
The built-in package detailed training materials will allow you to quickly get started and give you the confidence to create impressive design projects. A useful training videos, tips, expert opinions and handy guide will open you access to new knowledge.

Easily create layouts:
The collection, with more than 1000 fonts premium 1000 professional digital high resolution photos, 10,000 pictures and universal 350 professional templates help create first-class projects. Effective organization design resources with Corel CONNECT , means instant search content on your computer, local network and on the web.

Stylish and original design:
Creating a superior design for print materials and web sites with a complete set of tools for drawing, tracing raster images into vector graphics, photo editing, and working with Web graphics. Simple management styles and colors by setting the properties of windows and convenient features such as a "set of styles" and "Harmony of colors."

More rapid and effective work:
Save time and money by using a single complete package for graphic design, containing all the necessary applications. Also, you can now use multi-core processing and integrated support for 64-bit processors, which allows you to quickly process large files and images.

Ease of communication, and unmatched compatibility:
Output to a variety of media - from signage and brochures to business cards, stickers for cars, web graphics and more. With support for over 100 file formats, including AI, PSD, PDF, JPG, PNG, EPS, TIFF and DOCX, framed images can repurpose and distribute.

Native 64-bit multi-core processors:
Harness the power of multi-core processing, and support for 64-bit processors. Due to the increased speed of large files and images are processed faster. In addition, increases system performance while running multiple applications.

As you want, but do not change my links. I don't противНекоторые functions of the program:
The redesigned user interface
The opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues and clients in real time
Advanced and powerful solution for transforming raster images into vector graphics
To ensure maximum color matching applications in Corel and Microsoft
Ensuring the color matching applications in Corel and Adobe
Improved integration with Windows Vista
Changed dialog box «Create a template»
80 professionally designed templates
New, editable materials
The fast-track process layout and text editing
Formatting text in real-time
Mirror paragraph text
Support for RAW files
Alignment of images
The information in the form of histograms
Improved dialog «Color curve»
The finished page size

What's new in coreldraw X6:
Increase of productivity. coreldraw GS now has full support for 64-bit processors, allowing faster to work with large documents. Also in the X6 was improved support for multi-threading (processing multiple streams of different processors) for the operation of the copy/paste large objects, export, as well as print multiple documents.
Support for OpenType and work with text. To a large degree has been redesigned system of work with the text. Now we are many typographical OpenType features, such as ligatures, contextual and stylistic variants of the mark, ornaments, fractions, calligraphic symbols, etc. As well, there is a new Docker Text Properties, which has collected in itself the majority of the settings of the text in a convenient form.
The new «face» of the Docker Object Properties. To recognition has been redesigned Docker Object Properties. It includes quite a number of basic settings, which is now closely associated with new styles.
The new styles. In coreldraw X6 completely remove support for the old color styles. They were replaced by a completely new, multifunctional Color Styles, with the ability to create Harmony (Harmony). Styles to objects and text also got a new life. Now they can be created and applied to filling, contour, text and frames, create groups of styles, easily and quickly change the default styling, as well as export and import all of the styles from one document to another. The main styles of management is made through the new dockers Color Styles and Object Styles.
Superior PowerClip. The effect of PowerClip was significantly improved by adding new functionality, as well as improve the existing. For example have been added commands matching content to the size of the container, added a floating toolbar from the main functional buttons. Also, when switching to edit mode, objects of remaining outside of a container are not hidden completely, but remain slightly visible.
Master pages and numbering. Developers coreldraw X6 slightly changed the logic of master pages, now they can be created separately for even and odd pages. Also added a simple page numbering, which can be placed as on the individual pages, so and on the master page.

The package:
CorelDRAW X6 - easy to use program to create vector graphics and page layouts
Corel PHOTO-PAINT X6 - professional image-editing application
Corel PowerTRACE X6 is a means to accurately trace bitmap to vector graphics
Corel CAPTURE X6 - a means to create snapshots of the screen
Corel CONNECT X6 is a means of instant search the contents of
PhotoZoom Pro 2 is easy module that connects to the PHOTO-PAINT for the increase of digital images
ConceptShare - tool for the online collaborative on the Internet

New tools:
Freehand Pick - allocation of objects frame of arbitrary form
Smear Tool - «smearing»
Twirl Tool - twisting
Attract Tool and Repel Tool - pulling and repulsion

Other novelties of coreldraw X6:
Quick Pan - perhaps the quickest and most convenient way of navigation. It consists in the fact that «foot» appears when you press and hold the middle mouse button.
Alignment Guides - interactive align objects using the «virtual» guides.
Selection Groups - a new opportunity to interactively «bind» a certain allocation to a specific figure on the keyboard (above the letters).
Three types of angles for interactive circuit + new «face» of the Docker Contour.
Support for transparency in Vector Pattern Fill.
Expanded the list of blending modes for interactive transparency.
VBA 7.1, as well as support for Custom .NET Control (WPF).

Features special Edition:
The editorial office was created on the basis of the original purchased version. From distribution nothing substantial has been removed (deleted only Hungarian and Turkish languages).
Content is not reduced, provided separately.
In the distribution versions for 32 - and 64-bit systems. Shall be established in accordance with bit OS. It is possible to install 32-bit version on a 64-bit OS if necessary.
Registration is not required in any of its manifestations. Key at installation also do not need to enter.
Interface language: Russian, English. Language selection is made automatically according to the language of the operating system, but You can select the desired language or set at the same time two in the tab "Settings" during installation. When you run the program will ask, in what language you want to run it
The installation program takes place without you unpack the distribution into one from the local disk "C". There is the option of return of this feature in the "Parameters" tab installer

Download from Vip-File

Download from Letitbit

تابع القراءة Résuméabuiyad

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