الأحد، 7 يوليو 2013

برنامج Adobe Elearning Suite v6.1 - منتديات برامج شاركي

برنامج Adobe Elearning Suite v6.1 - منتديات برامج شاركي

 suite , v61

برنامج adobe elearning suite v6.1

برنامج Adobe Elearning Suite v6.1

Adobe elearning suite v6.1 | 5 Gb

Adobe elearning suite 6.1 software is an integrated toolbox for creating elearning and HTML5-based mLearning content. Get the best tools for application simulation, product demos, digital imaging, rich animations, and audio production. Accelerate development with rapid prototyping, roundtripping workflows, and out-of-the-box assets like actors and smart interactions. Publish to SCORM- and AICC-compliant LMSs and easily track SWF, PDF, and HTML5 content.

Adobe elearning suite 6.1 includes:
Adobe Captivate 6
Flash Professional
Adobe Flash Professional CS6
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended
Adobe Acrobat XI Pro
Adobe Presenter 8
Adobe Audition CS6
Additional components:
Adobe Bridge CS6



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